Social Media a Killer of Dreams and Life?

Apr 30, 2023

Social media feeds our insecurity - creating monsters inside our minds by showing a fake reality that makes us feel like everyone else is younger, richer, and more beautiful than we are… 

This false reality perpetuated by social media can lead to a drop in self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. We compare our own lives to what is seen online, feeling like we are not measuring up. This leads us to feel like there's something wrong with us, which affects our confidence and mood.

It can be hard to remove ourselves from the comparison trap, but there are ways to make social media work for us. We can start by limiting our exposure to feeds that pressure us into feeling like we’re not enough.

We should also focus on constructive activities away from social media that bring us joy and foster self-confidence. Exercising, learning a new skill or hobby, and spending time in nature can all help boost our self-esteem.

Finally, it’s important to remember that social media only shows a curated version of life. The reality is that everyone has their own struggles, and no one else’s life is perfect either. Social media should not be a source of comparison and insecurity, but rather an outlet for connection and creative expression.

By putting these measures in place, we can reclaim our self-esteem and tap into our inner strength to live the life we want. Social media does not have to feed our insecurity - instead it can be used as a platform for inspiration and empowerment.

Ultimately, it’s up to us to take control of our mental health and find balance when it comes to social media. By doing so, we can take back the power and create a life that is filled with joy and self-love.


We’re constantly exposed to low-level radiation and harmful frequencies from our cell phones, computers, television,s and smartwatches - plus all the thousands of other gadgets and appliances in modern homes and workplaces... 

The cumulative effects of this exposure can have a detrimental impact on our health. From headaches and fatigue to fertility issues and even cancer, the long-term consequences of radiation overexposure are serious.

But we don’t have to be helpless victims when it comes to technology - there are simple steps we can take to protect ourselves. We can start by limiting our screen time and avoiding prolonged use of cell phones and other devices.

We can also use special radiation-blocking technology, like EMF shielding stickers and phone cases, to reduce our exposure. And we should make sure to keep some distance between us and any device emitting radiation - ideally at least two feet away.

By taking a few precautionary measures, we can reduce the risk of radiation and feel more secure in our own homes and workplaces. Taking control of our technology use is an important step towards safeguarding our health and well-being for years to come.

It's also essential to keep up with regular self-care practices that nourish our mental and physical health. Taking the time to meditate, practice yoga, and hypnosis, or engage in other forms of self-care can help reduce stress levels and boost our overall well-being.

We should also strive to cultivate healthy relationships in real life. Connecting with family friends, neighbors, and colleagues is a great way to build a strong community and support system.

Finally, it’s important to remember that we don’t have to give in to the pressure of social media or technology - we can take ownership of our lives and focus on doing what makes us feel good. By taking an active role in our own self-care, we can remain healthy and happy in the long run.

As we become savvier about how to use social media and technology, we can cultivate a healthier relationship with it that doesn’t compromise our mental health or self-esteem. By making conscious choices about how we interact with these platforms, we can reclaim our power and create a life that is truly our own.

Social media can be a great tool for staying connected and empowered, but it’s up to us to make sure we don’t let it become a source of insecurity and comparison. With the right attitude and knowledge, we can use these platforms in healthy ways that benefit our lives both online and off.

By taking the necessary steps to protect our mental and physical health, we can safeguard our well-being and enjoy all the amazing opportunities that modern technology has to offer. We should be mindful of how we use social media and other forms of technology - but at the same time, embrace their potential as tools for self-expression and growth.

With the right approach, we can create a healthy relationship with technology that allows us to live life to the fullest - free from fear and insecurity. So let’s make sure to keep ourselves in check - both online and off - and make conscious choices that benefit our lives!

Author Don L Price
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